128 research outputs found

    A physiological study of Bhrajaka Pitta and clinical view of Shwitra Kusthari Rasa and Shashilekha Vati in Shwitra Roga

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    Background: Ayurveda defines human body as a hospitable homestasis of Dosha, Dhatu and Mala. The equilibrium of Dhatu is health. Any disturbance in their equilibrium leads to disease. In the present scenario, people are very much conscious about their health as well as beautiful and clear skin. Thus health and beauty are two faces of single coin. Moreover a person who is physically healthy and is personified by beauty is much more intelligent and confident them a normal being. Discoloration of skin without perceiving pain is exclusive character of Shwitra (Vitiligo) Roga. Aim: To study the treatment principle in management of Shwitra (vitiligo) according to Ayurveda. Methodology: 60 clinically diagnosed cases of Switra (Vitiligo) were divided into 2 groups and treated with Shwitra Kusthari Rasa 250mg in Group A and Shashilekha Vati 250mg in Group B. Bakuchi Taila local application on the affected patches was done in both the groups for 90 days. Discussion: Therefore it can be concluded that Shwitra Kusthari Rasa, Shashilekha Vati and Bakuchi Taila both are potent and effective for the management of Shwitra Roga vis-a-vis Vitiligo


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    Abstract The study investigates the measurable impact of skill development programs initiated by Self-Help Groups (SHGs) on youth employment in India. In recent years, skill development initiatives have gained prominence as a means to enhance employability and livelihood prospects among the youth population. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of such programs, specifically those implemented through SHGs, in addressing youth unemployment challenges. Through a combination of quantitative analysis and qualitative case studies, this research examines the extent to which skill development programs offered by SHGs contribute to improving the employability and job placement rates of young individuals. The study evaluates various dimensions, including the acquisition of relevant vocational skills, enhancement of soft skills, and provision of job-oriented training. It also delves into the factors that influence the success of these programs, such as program design, delivery mechanisms, and collaborations with local industries. Findings from this study offer insights into the strengths and limitations of SHG-driven skill development initiatives, shedding light on their role in reducing youth unemployment rates. By examining successful case studies and identifying best practices, this research provides recommendations to optimize the impact of skill development programs by SHGs. Ultimately, the research contributes to the ongoing discourse on youth employment strategies, offering valuable insights for policymakers, development practitioners, and stakeholders interested in promoting inclusive growth and sustainable livelihoods through SHGs and skill enhancement programs

    Decomposition and Kinetics of CH2(OH)C(O•)(CH3)CH2Cl Radical in the Atmosphere: A Quantum Mechanical Study

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    We have presented the quantum mechanical calculations of the decomposition pathways of 1, 2-hydroxy alkoxy radical i.e. CH2(OH)C(O•)(CH3)CH2Cl radical. This radical species is formed from the successive reactions with O2 molecule and NOx or HO2 radicals with the most stable primary oxidation product of 3-chloro-2-methyl-1-propene and OH radical reaction. Geometry optimization and frequency calculations of all the stable species including transition states in the three possible C-C bond scission pathways (i.e. C-CH3, C-CH2Cl and C-CH2OH) of CH2(OH)C(O•)(CH3)CH2Cl radical are performed at M06-2X/6-31+G(d,p) level of theory. We have further performed single point energy calculations of all the optimized species at the higher level of CCSD(T) method along with cc-pVTZ triple-zeta basis set. The rate constants for the various decomposition reactions are evaluated using Canonical Transition State Theory (CTST) within the temperature range of 250−400 K. Rate constants for C–C bond scissions of C-CH3, C-CH2Cl and C-CH2OH of the 1, 2-hydroxy alkoxy radical are found to be 4.17 × 101, 1.59 × 103 and 1.38 × 109 s-1 respectively at 298 K and 1 atm. The energetic and kinetics results suggest that C–CH2OH bond scission of titled radical is more dominant than other decomposition channels

    Review study of pulse diagnostic parameter on finding aggravated Doshas and their characters by Nadi Pariksha

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    The Tridosha concept in Ayurveda is the pioneer fundamental of the human physiology. The equilibrium state of Tridosha is very important for the normal and healthy functioning of the living body as the imbalance in the equilibrium state of Tridoshas or any one Dosha amongst the three will leads to the manifestation of Dosha’s leading to / prognosing to disorders /diseases. These Tridoshas are named as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Analysis/study of Tridoshas physiology is an important tool to evaluate the prognosis and cure of any Dosha disease/disorder. Amongst different parameters utilized for diagnosis/evaluation of Dosha the important one is Nadi Pariksha i.e. Pulse examination. Vata, Piita and Kapha are not checked or seen by naked eyes but it is felt by Nadi Pariksha (pulse examination). Nadi (pulse) shows different characteristic properties amongst the manifestation of the three different Doshas at different state. Thus the variations seen with respect to Nadi is classically analyzed and reviewed with different parameters shows Nadi as a diagnostic tool. The purpose of writing this review is to examine Tridoshas and their characters on the Nadi. The article contains different parameters on the Nadi-Dosha variations, various trends which are used to examine the Doshas, its types and Dusti (malfunctions) by doing Nadi Pariksha methodologies with respect to Nadigati (speed denotations), features and different characters in this present article

    Productivity and Quality of Baby Corn (\u3cem\u3eZea mays\u3c/em\u3e) Fodder as Influenced by Nutrient Management Practices in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India

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    Maize occupies an important place among cereals in the world ranking at third place in respect of area and production. Owing the diversified uses for food, feed and industrial utilization and having the greater yield potential among the cereals maize has become an important crop in India. For diversification and value addition of maize and growth of food processing industry; an interesting recent development is the growing maize for vegetable purpose as “baby corn”. The duration of baby corn ends with 60-70 days; until it enters into reproductive phase (40-45 DAS). Besides, from its cultivation ensures availability of good-quality green fodder and add enormously to total economic returns. Baby corn, being a relatively new introduction in India, requires development of production technology. Among the different production factors, nutrient management plays a key role in improving the productivity of crops. Since, corn is nutrient exhaustive crop and deplete soil fertility extensively. For obtaining high productivity, heavy doses of costly fertilizers and their use in higher amounts can lead to environmental pollution. Moreover, poor recycling of organic sources and application of high analysis fertilizers leads to deficiency of several micronutrients. Making press mud based distillery effluent bio-compost mixing the nutrient rich press mud from sugar mills with NPK rich spent wash obtained from distillery unit in the ratio of 1:2.5 is a good source of nutrients. However, there is a lake of information regarding the performance of bio-compost in relation to productivity and fertility of soil particularly under vegetable-based cropping in Indo-Gangetic plains. Hence, the present study was planned to evaluate the performance of bio-compost in terms of growth, yield and economics of baby corn-potato- mungbean cropping system and to compare it with the traditional manure i.e. FYM as substitute of fertilizer N

    Moth Search Optimization for Optimal DERs Integration in Conjunction to OLTC Tap Operations in Distribution Systems

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    In this paper, a newly developed moth search optimization (MSO) technique is introduced to solve the complex distributed energy resources (DER) integration problems of distribution systems. In order to overcome some of the limitations observed in the standard variant of MSO, minor corrections are also suggested. On the other hand, a new optimization problem is formulated for optimal deployment of dispatchable distributed generations and shunt capacitors while simultaneously optimizing the tap positions of on-load tap-changing transformers, already deployed in grid substations. The objective of this work is to minimize the cost of annual energy loss and node voltage deviations over multiple load levels. The proposed model is implemented and solved for two benchmark test distribution networks of 33 and 118 buses. The suggested corrections are also validated by comparing the performance of the proposed approach with standard MSO and other available optimization methods. The simulation results show that the developed model optimally utilizes the existing distribution system resources and generates higher deployment benefits at lesser DER penetration as compared to the planning model which ignores these resources

    Interstellar dehydrogenated PAH anions: vibrational spectra

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    Interstellar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules exist in diverse forms depending on the local physical environment. Formation of ionized PAHs (anions and cations) is favourable in the extreme conditions of the ISM. Besides in their pure form, PAHs are also likely to exist in substituted forms; for example, PAHs with functional groups, dehydrogenated PAHs etc. A dehydrogenated PAH molecule might subsequently form fullerenes in the ISM as a result of ongoing chemical processes. This work presents a Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculation on dehydrogenated PAH anions to explore the infrared emission spectra of these molecules and discuss any possible contribution towards observed IR features in the ISM. The results suggest that dehydrogenated PAH anions might be significantly contributing to the 3.3 μm region. Spectroscopic features unique to dehydrogenated PAH anions are highlighted that may be used for their possible identification in the ISM. A comparison has also been made to see the size effect on spectra of these PAHs

    Multiple DRPs to maximise the techno-economic benefits of the distribution network

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    This study addresses a demand response programme (DRP) model considering the price elasticity of demand to determine the peak scheduling for different categories of consumers with the possibility of load shifting. The main objective is to minimise daily energy loss and improvement in the node voltage profile of distribution system along with the economic benefits of different stakeholders. The proposed work helps in appropriate selection of DRP for different feeders/consumers. The investigations are performed on a benchmark 33-bus test distribution system and comprehensive analysis is illustrated through simulation results

    Characteristic study, its identification and self-tuned approach to control hydro-power plants

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    The water time constant and mechanical time constant greatly influences the power and speed oscillations of hydro-turbine-generator unit. This paper discusses the turbine power transients in response to different nature and changes in the gate position. The work presented here analyses the characteristics of hydraulic system with an emphasis on changes in the above time constants. The simulation study is based on mathematical first-, second-, third- and fourth-order transfer function models. The study is further extended to identify discrete time-domain models and their characteristic representation without noise and with noise content of 10 & 20 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The use of self-tuned control approach in minimising the speed deviation under plant parameter changes and disturbances is also discussed